Google Ads for your phone repair business made easy!

Work with us and you’ll get better results for less money. We guarantee it.

Phone Repair Leads

Start crushing your competition.

We get you in front of the right people at the right time.

Why Google Ads?

It is the most effective way to get your business in front of people in your area searching for what you offer.

Instant Exposure

We can get your ads set up and running the same day, instantly getting you in front of potential customers.

Precise Targeting

Not only do we find the most lucrative keywords to target, we also limit your ads to only appear in your service area.

High Conversion

Getting you in front of the right people, at the right time, with the right message is the key to generating more leads.

Any repair, anywhere.

If you’re in the phone repair business, we’ve got you covered.









Google PPC Ads are the most effective way to generate new phone repair leads.

Instant Visibility

Your custom ads will be up and running helping local customers find you within 24 hours.

Geo-Targeting & Scheduling

Showing your ads where and when they are most effective is crucial to your success.

Keyword Research

We target the keywords that are going to produce the best results for you and your business.

Measurable Results

Get access to detailed campaign insights that allow you to track the results of your PPC ads.

Appliance Repair Leads: Effective Digital Marketing

Enjoy Your Real-Time Reporting Dashboard.

Keep up with how your ads are performing day or night. All of the data is provided directly from Google for total transparency.

Compare increases in business activity to ad performance and adjust your budget accordingly.


How soon can my ads be running?

Is today soon enough? Although there are a lot of factors involved in fully setting up and optimizing paid ad campaigns, we can get the process started right away and have some targeted ads running within hours.

What is 'Ad Spend'?
‘Ad Spend’ is the amount of money paid to Google to show the ads we set up and manage for you. Any unused Ad Spend will automatically roll over to the next month or can be refunded per your request.
Are there any hidden fees?
Absolutely not. There’s just our flat management fee and the amount spent on the ads, which you select, so you are in complete control and there are no surprises.
Do I need a website?
Nope! We’ll create a landing page for your ad campaign that will drive conversions at no cost to you.

Sound good?

Great, let’s get started!

Get Started

Tell us about your business and we’ll take it from there…

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Reach out to us with any questions you may have…